

Friday, July 12, 2013


So, like the title says, this is just an update. In one of my last posts, I mentioned I was going to start uploading videos on my YouTube Channel. I obviously haven't. My apologies but I simply haven't had the time. Since I have about three months worth of hauls that I had meant to record but just never did, I decided that for now, I will simply upload pictures and post my reviews on this blog. My first post should be up some time in the next few days. Please look forward to it! If you have any recommendations, please let me know!

Also, regarding "LEARN JAPANESE WITH ME", I decided to end that. If anyone would like to see me continue, or would simply like me to tutor them, please let me know! 

I am always open to suggestions and requests! 


-ミ c h e l l e★


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